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NHS Departments

Accident and Emergency Aberdeen Royal Infirmary   0345 456 6000
Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN

Accident and Emergency Dr Gray’s Hospital     0345 456 6000
Pluscarden Road, Elgin, IV30 1SN

Accident & Emergency Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital     0345 456 6000
Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZG

Neurosciences at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Neurosurgery Department Ward 205        01224 550 640

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN

Neurology Ward 205        01224 550 640
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN

Neuro Rehabilitation Unit, Woodend Hospital       01224 556 216
Eday Road, Aberdeen , AB15 6XS

Department of Clinical Neuropsychology         01224 559 352
Second Floor, Ashgrove House
Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN

Information about Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuropsychology, Neuro Rehab:

Horizons Rehabilitation Unit     01224 556 873

2 Eday Walk, Aberdeen, AB15 6LN


Head injury


Scottish Acquired Brain Injury Network
SABIN Educational website

Subarachnoid haemorrhage
(Home>About brain injury>Individual>Types of brain injury)

Brain & Spine Foundation  
(Information & support/A to Z of neurological topics/Subarachnoid Haemorrhage)

Hypoxic and anoxic brain injury
(Home>About brain injury>Individual>Types of brain injury)

(Home>About brain injury>Individual>Types of brain injury

Encephalitis Society 

Meningitis now

Stroke Association UK

Brain and Spine Foundation
(Information and support/A to Z of neurological topics/Hydrocephalus)

The Brain Charity
(Home/A-Z of neurological conditions/hydrocephalus)

Epilepsy Association UK

Epilepsy Society   

Local sources of support for people with a brain injury

Aberdeen Care and Repair
Aberdeen Care and Repair is a registered charity which gives advice and practical assistance to elderly and disabled people to allow them to continue to live within their own homes as independently as possible.

Aberdeenshire Care and Repair
Aberdeenshire Care and Repair provides a free service offering information, advice and help with repairs, maintenance and adaptations to Aberdeenshire owner occupiers and private landlords’ tenants who are over 60 and/or have a disability.

For Private Housing

A scheme of assistance for private homeowners and tenants of private sector landlords. Section 72 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 requires all local authorities to produce a scheme of assistance for private homeowners and tenants. It sets out the circumstances in which they will provide information, advice, and practical support and, in some circumstances, financial assistance to private homeowners to help them repair, maintain, improve or adapt their homes.

Moray Council Care and Repair
Aberdeen Guide to Independent Living and Enablement (AGILE) AGILE | Aberdeen City HSCP

Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership and partners advise that they want to ensure that people, their families and friends have the information needed about living independently at home and can find support from a whole range of services to support them to stay safe, stay well, stay connected and stay informed.

The AGILE website and brochure (which can be downloaded from it) contains information for anyone who wants to know about the help and support that’s available in Aberdeen, enabling you to stay as independent as possible in your own home.

Community Link Workers

In Aberdeen, person-centred wellbeing support is being organised through a dedicated member of staff in each GP practice called a Link Practitioner. They aim to improve people’s resilience by supporting them to link more closely with the opportunities and resources within their own communities.

Please contact your GP practice for further information

Travel advice for Health and Social Care appointments
THInC – Travel advice for Health and Social Care appointments
Members of the public and health or social care professionals can call THInC for practical and free transport advice on travelling to an appointment in the Grampian area.

THInC can help with information on bus services, train times, dial-a-bus services, taxi companies and wheelchair-accessible vehicles and community transport.

Local sources of support for carers

Quarriers Aberdeenshire Adult Carer Support Service

Provides advice and support to adults over 18 in Aberdeenshire who provide unpaid care to a family member, friend or neighbour who depends upon them because of physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or substance use.

Quarriers Aberdeen

Provides a similar service for people who live in Aberdeen.

Quarriers Moray

Provides a similar service for people who live in Moray

Daytime activities and work-related rehabilitation

Rosie’s Cafe and Rosie’s Social Enterprises

Rosie’s Cafe and Rosie’s Social Enterprises provides training and work experience for people distanced from the labour market across Aberdeen City and Shire. It is run by the charity Turning Point Scotland.

Men's Sheds

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association’s focus is supporting Scotland’s Shedders and their supporters to create Men’s Sheds in their community to benefit their health and wellbeing across Scotland.

This service aims to help the elderly and those living with a disability to identify repairs and/or improvements that are required to their home and help to get these works carried out. Please note that they are unable to help Council tenants who should contact their local Access Point or Area Housing Office for assistance.

Benefits and Grants advice

Benefits Calculators online - (confidential)

This following are links to  confidential  online Benefits calculators (free to use) that allow you to check the benefits you are likely to be entitled to in the strictest confidence prior to you making any formal application.


Digby Brown benefits application assistance service referrals

In August 2024, the group had an excellent talk presented to us by Douglas McAndrew from Digby Brown on the subject of Adult Disability Benefit Payment as well as touching on other relative benefits.

The group  thanked Douglas very much for travelling to Aberdeen to talk to us, and we have noted that he  kindly offered to help anyone from group who may be severely struggling  with these type of applications.

If you are a member of the Group & feel would like some help you will, in the first instance need to be referred to Douglas by the group, so please talk to one of the Committee who will be able to make a referral to Douglas at Digby Brown on your behalf to see if he can help you.

Aberdeen Citizens Advice Bureau

There are currently no drop in sessions available but you can visit the bureau or call between 10 am till 3 pm from Monday through to Friday except on public holidays and during Christmas.

Telephone: 01224 569750


Website:  ​ 

Postal Address

Aberdeen Citizens Advice Bureau

41 Union Street


AB11 5BN​

Aberdeenshire Citizens Advice Bureau
Moray Citizens Advice Bureau

Brain Injury Effects

Physical Effects

Sensory Impairment
Difficulties with speech​​
Weakness or paralysis
Hormonal imbalances

Cognitive Effects

Problems with memory
Reduced initiation and problems with motivation
Reduced concentration span
Reduced speed of information processing​​
Reduced problem-solving ability
Impaired reasoning
Impaired judgement
Lack of insight

Emotional & Behavioral Effects

Loss of confidence
Mood swings
Frustration and anger​
Abusive or obscene language
Obsessive behaviour

Facts and Statistics

( Last update based on 2019-20 stats) -
  • Every 90 seconds someone in the UK is admitted to hospital with a head injury.
  • In the last year 21,295 people in Scotland were admitted to hospital with a head injury.
  • Men are more 1.5x more likely than females to be admitted for a head injury.
  • In recent years the number of women admitted to hospital with a head injury has increased, as much as 28% in 2019-20 since 2005-6.

Talk To Us

t : 07532 186 155

Please leave a message on the answering machine

and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

For more information please also check out the Headway website.  Where you can find further factsheets about the effects of brain injury, hospital treatment and recovery.

Download Headway's Factsheet - About Brain Injury

Visit Headway Website